Increased breathing during exercise causes cooling and drying of the lining of the air passages, which can trigger exercise-induced asthma.
Asthma is among several diseases that cause great distress and even disabilities to millions of sufferers worldwide. Now health professionals have been noticing a rather consistent connection between asthma and another bothersome condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or more commonly known as acid reflux. The existence of these two ailments forms an ominous combination of symptoms that are sure to increase the irritation caused by either disease alone.
Numerous things can start an asthma attack in those who are prone to this lung disease. For some it takes as little as a small puff of cold breeze, a little whiff of dust, or a stressful situation, among many other factors. Now it has been discovered that acid reflux can also start asthma episodes, particularly in adult patients.
However it is also common that asthmatic professional athletes must be careful with their medications as it may lead to disqualification.
What is Acid Reflux?
When people eat, the food goes through the mouth to the stomach through the throat and the esophagus. The esophagus is a narrow tube that connects the throat to the stomach. In some people, the esophagus can become irritated and swollen because acid from the stomach backs up. This backing up of acid is known as acid reflux. Acid reflux can reach high up the throat, causing even more swelling and discomfort or triggering other illnesses such as asthma.
What are the causes of Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux may be caused by a breakdown of the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES acts as the gatekeeper of the stomach. When people swallow, the LES opens to allow food particles and liquid into the stomach. Once food has passed through, the LES closes up to prevent the stomach's contents from returning to the esophagus.
With proper breathing techniques as offered for free on my site and a suggested adherence to the dietetic principles above, be assured that you are well on your way to curing your asthma naturally and permanently.
Acid reflux sufferers may have a faulty LES, which does not close properly or opens at the wrong times. This allows acid and some digested food particles to return to the esophagus, causing a sensation of burning due to irritation. This results in a condition that most people refer to as heartburn.
The Link between Acid Reflux and Asthma
It has been observed by many doctors specializing in asthma that asthmatic people are also more likely to have a faulty LES. Furthermore, many reports have revealed that asthmatic people who were treated for acid reflux also experienced some relief from the symptoms of asthma.
Acid reflux can trigger asthma symptoms in two ways. First, acid reflux may cause people to breathe minute droplets of acid into their lungs without them knowing it. This acid can aggravate the very fragile pulmonary lining and cause spasms in the bronchi or airways, which in turn can result in an asthma attack.
Second, recurring episodes of acid reflux may cause digestive acid to melt away the esophageal lining and expose some parts of crucial nerves that are connected to the lungs. The irritation of the nerve endings have been observed to also start the constriction of airways, which could then result in an asthma attack.
Abstinence from the products above is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several asthma treatment programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the 'Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics' developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko.
How to Recognize if Acid Reflux Is Causing Asthma
Asthmatics may recognize that their asthma attacks are related with acid reflux if their asthma began after reaching adulthood. Acid reflux is also suspected if asthma symptoms become more noticeable after eating a meal, at night, and after some time lying down. It can also be noticeable if the usual asthma treatments do not work.
With the connection between asthma and acid reflux being recognized, it is therefore smart to test for gastroesophageal reflux disease. The blending of these two diseases can seriously hamper the quality of one's lifestyle and therefore early detection is necessary.
Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of For more information on Asthma Treatment, feel free to stop by his website today.
About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is the editor of OurGoodHealth is devoted to providing knowledgeable articles about health-related issues. Visit our website for more information about asthma and acid reflux.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Asthma and Acid Reflux
Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
12:33 PM
Labels: Acid Reflux, asthma attack symptoms
Monday, January 21, 2008
Asthma: Buteyko's Theory
I was so vulnerable to this respiratory disorder that even the slightest friendly pat on the back would ignite an asthma attack characterized by wheezes, gasps, and cough spells, that could last as long as a week.
Buteyko's Theory basically says that due to deep respiration an excessive amount of CO2 is removed from the body, resulting in a change in chemical balance which is only partially neutralized by compensatory mechanisms.
Over a period of time the loss of CO2 becomes increasingly disruptive to the functioning of the body. All physical and chemical processes are affected.
The loss of CO2, because of release from the lungs at a rate faster than its creation in the tissues leads to an increase in pH. Generally a state of oxygen deficiency also occurs due to reduction of the Bohr effect.[Less oxygen is taken from the RBC ferry.]
However it is also common that asthmatic professional athletes must be careful with their medications as it may lead to disqualification.
This oxygen shortage will cause an increase in the amount of incompletely oxidized 'products of metabolism' which act chemically to lower the pH. [Metabolic acidosis] This effect will not quite cancel out the increased pH from the CO2 loss, and the efficiency of all normal systems will be reduced.
One category of 'disease' caused by this problem may be classified as 'defense mechanisms', where the action is to reduce further CO2 loss [Asthma, emphysema, etc].
The other category are the 'diseases' which occur as a result of the changed pH and compensatory mechanisms. These include disruption of formation of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins; Disruption of the energy production efficiency [decreased ATP formation]; and a disruption in the efficiency of the processes of formation of CO2.
According to Buteyko, normalization of the breathing will not only avoid the existence of diseases of defense , but will also result in removal of the diseases occurring due to the change of function of the body caused by the excess removal of CO2. Treating the symptoms of these diseases without addressing the cause will result in eventual worsening of the problem.
In other words, the asthma existed in the person BEFORE the exercise, however it is a mild case of asthma, which is brought out by the heavier, faster breathing brought on by exercise.
Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
10:32 AM
Labels: asthma attack treatment, asthma treatment, Buteyko's Theory
Alternative Therapies For Asthma Treatment
Are there effective alternative therapies for asthma? Many researchers believe biofeedback holds promise as a way to help asthma patients.
That's its definition in the medical fraternity, but based on my experiences, I will simply choose to believe that Asthma, like any other disease known to man, is a result of a clogging of the human bodily tissues which is a 99.99% consequence of eating disease/mucus forming foods, which include (but are not limited to) Animal foods such as meat, milk, cheese and eggs, Grains and their by products, processed and junk foods.
What is biofeedback all about? It involves measuring a person's body processes like heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, etc and providing this information to the person in real time. This creates awareness of these processes and in turn, can help the person gain conscious control over related body functions.
For instance, scientists have shown that a person can consciously influence his heartbeat. In fact, some studies at the National Institutes for Health have indicated that patients can be trained even to lower their blood pressure.
Biofeedback training is part of what is called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It was Dr. Neal Miller, a neuroscientist at Yale who first said that it is possible to exert conscious control over automatic body functions. The scientific and medical establishment of the time scoffed at his statement and held that such things are impossible.
Similarly, preserved foods kept for a long time in cans/packets (sometimes for months) become hyper-reactive to the body. Foods like pickles, sour foods, chemical or artificial vinegars are also detrimental for the asthmatic.
However, subsequent research by several groups has shown that control over unconscious body functions is indeed possible. Many patients have found relief from migraine using biofeedback training. Some researchers are studying the possibility of using biofeedback as the main treatment for high blood pressure problems.
How does biofeedback apply to asthma?
During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways are inflamed and contracted. If these muscles can be relaxed, air would flow more freely into the lungs and the distressing symptoms of asthma would be alleviated. Biofeedback systems train the patient to accomplish just that.
In addition, asthma patients often have abnormal breathing patterns. The Society for Applied Psychotherapy and Biofeedback says that 'barrel breathing' is one such pattern. This is when the asthmatic takes in a deep breath and then doesn't fully breathe out. Instead, they take several shallow in and out breaths without emptying their lungs completely.
There is a lot of controversy about asthma. The main problem is not taking a breath in but in releasing the breath out.
As a result, their lungs can't be refilled with fresh air since they never empty fully when breathing out.
Using a process called pneumographic biofeedback, asthma patients learn to recognize their altered heart rates that occur during barrel breathing. And they learn to change their breathing pattern to lower their heart rate as well as improve oxygen intake.
Some studies have concluded that this type of biofeedback treatment not only reduced the symptoms of asthma but also brought down lung inflammation and resistance to normal breathing. The heart beat variability biorhythm treatment has also resulted in lowered medication use and better pulmonary function.
Increased breathing during exercise causes cooling and drying of the lining of the air passages, which can trigger exercise-induced asthma.
The National Institutes of Health advices asthma patients who wish to use biofeedback training to work with a competent trainer and to keep their doctor fully informed. The latter is important because asthma patients should be monitored regularly and medication may need to be adjusted from time to time.
Overall, biofeedback treatment is one of the more promising alternative therapies for asthma.
Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
10:29 AM
Labels: Alternative Therapies For Asthma, asthma attack symptoms, asthma attack treatment, asthma attacks, asthma symptoms, asthma treatment
Sunday, January 13, 2008
What you can do with Asthma Attack?
There is a lot of controversy about asthma attack. The main problem is not taking a breath in but in releasing the breath out.
When a person with asthma attack experiences a sudden worsening of his or her asthma attack symptoms it is called an asthma attack. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscles around the bronchial tubes in the lungs contract, making the airway openings more narrow. Less air can flow through these openings and inflammation of the lungs is a result. This inflammation quickly increases and the airways become more swollen. Mucus production by the cells in the airways increases more than usual and this narrows the airways even further. These changes to the airways cause the symptoms of asthma attack, notably wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
For more information on Asthma Signs and Symptoms (Butekyo Method) or for information on an Asthma Test.
When you are with someone who is having an asthma attack there are things you can do to help them. First of all you should remove the victim from the cause of the asthma attack. This will be a certain allergen such as pollen in the air or on the skin, smoke, or other strong odors. Keep the victim calm, comfortable, and sitting upright.
If the asthma attack victim has not already used a rescue inhaler, ask the person if he or she has an inhaler and assist the victim with the inhaler, if necessary. A rescue inhaler is the best first aid for asthma attacks. It is important that you use the rescue inhaler prescribed to the asthma attack victim and not use someone else's inhaler.
Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of For more information on Asthma Treatment, feel free to stop by his website today.
In the event that there is no rescue inhaler to use or if the asthma attack symptoms do not improve after administering the inhaler, you can also use steam to help the victim. Run very hot water from a faucet and have the person inhale the steam being careful not to touch the scalding water. Help the victim focus on their breathing and pucker their lips when he or she exhales.
Exercise-induced asthma attack can be useful for asthma research and diagnosing asthma attack in children.
If an asthma attack is severe then it may be possible that all of the preceding steps will not decrease the asthma attack symptoms. In this event, or when a rescue inhaler is not present, you may need to call for emergency medical help. The information given here is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. If someone you know or love has asthma attack it is important to learn all you can about this condition so that you can help the person in the event of an asthma attack.
Daniel Lanicek is an life long sufferer of asthma attack on a mission to heighten world awareness of asthma attack. Over 14 million people in the United States alone suffer from asthma attack and there are ways you can help. Learn more about asthma at Asthma Explained. But the good thing is that there are certain medications one can take to prevent hard-to-breathe attacks. Asthma treatment includes inhalers, nebulizers, and doctor-prescribed drugs.
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Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
3:44 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Asthma symptoms
Asthma symptoms are experienced in varying degrees. Some may experience mild symptoms, while some may have life-threatening conditions. You can suffer from asthma symptoms once every few months, every week or even every day. Mostly, these symptoms are caused by changes in the airways. Different irritants, such as pollen, dust, extreme weather and tiredness, can be considered culprits.
No matter what asthma medication or asthma treatments you are using, reducing the negative effects of asthma relies on avoiding the asthma triggers as well as you can. The irritation of your breathing passages can be reduced if you live and work in a clean environment and if you keep pollen and dust away.
Are you suffering from shortness of breath? Do you pant after a minimal amount of exercise? Do you experience a tight feeling in the chest every so often? Do you cough or wheeze after crying or laughing? If so, you are probably an asthmatic person. The above are some of the symptoms that asthmatic people suffer. These symptoms are triggered because the bronchial tubes are inflamed and irritated, causing them to contract. This narrows the air passages and disrupts breathing.
The Importance of Learning about Asthma Symptoms
Asthma is a disease that can be life threatening. It is vital that, as an asthmatic person, you know how to recognize asthma symptoms so you can take the necessary preventive measures before your condition worsens. To alleviate your symptoms, you can take medication or vitamins. You can also try homeopathy, acupuncture and meditation.
Because symptoms vary from person to person, you should at least be familiar with the most common symptoms. Coughing is usually one. Do you have a cough that is worse in the early morning or at night? Do you wheeze a lot? A tight feeling in your chest, panting or shortness of breath may also point to asthma. Watch out for frequent allergies as well.
It may sound boring or unrealistic but, if curing your asthma (or any disease or condition you may have as a matter of fact) is your goal, this sacrifice is well worth it. Besides, with so many fruits and vegetables to choose from, abstinence from Acid-forming foods shouldn't be difficult at all.
You should always be alert when it comes to identifying asthma symptoms. Information regarding asthma is readily available. Libraries, and even the Internet, abound with helpful readings about asthma and what one should do to relieve its symptoms.
Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
5:59 PM
Labels: adult asthma symptoms, asthma attack symptoms, asthma causes symptoms, asthma signs and symptoms, asthma symptoms, signs symptoms of asthma
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Asthma Attack
Asthma attack can be life-threatening. It is a lung disease that is caused by the contraction of the muscles in the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma attack is mostly characterized by coughing after crying or laughing; wheezing; panting or shortness of breath; and frequent allergies. When you experience one or more of these symptoms, and it seems that your condition is not improving, then you are most likely an asthmatic person.
When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.
Increased breathing during exercise causes cooling and drying of the lining of the air passages, which can trigger exercise-induced asthma attack.
Asthma attack usually happen when the muscles in the bronchial tubes contract. When this happens, the cells make more mucus than usual. The extra mucus blocks the airways and disrupts breathing. An asthma attack is usually associated with the feeling of drowning. If you are an asthma attack sufferer, you may or may not have experienced severe asthma attack. Some are fortunate enough to feel only mild symptoms. Others, on the other hand, suffer so much that they have to be rushed to the hospital.
Information on Asthma Attack
How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.
Since asthma attack can be fatal, you must learn as much as you can about preventing such episodes. Read up on asthma attack symptoms, irritants that can trigger asthma, foods to avoid, remedies and treatments. You can obtain valuable information from medical books. A lot of sites on the Internet tackle asthma issues. There are also online forums you can join. Here, a lot of asthmatic people talk about their condition and the steps they have taken to improve their quality of life.
No matter what asthma medication or asthma attack treatments you are using, reducing the negative effects of asthma relies on avoiding the asthma attack triggers as well as you can. The irritation of your breathing passages can be reduced if you live and work in a clean environment and if you keep pollen and dust away.
Based on the results of your research, you may find that asthma attack triggers vary from person to person. Be aware of your body. Identify the food and materials that you are sensitive to. Knowing your own specific triggers can go a long way in helping prevent severe asthma attacks.
Try reading up on medication, therapy and natural remedies. Discuss your findings with your doctor. You can decide on which treatment is best for you if you have a wealth of information regarding asthma attack.
These people do have asthma attack that is triggered by the exercising, however the asthma is not caused by exercising.
Those who only know one or two facts about asthma attack can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you're learning here.
Posted by
Jakkie Drivers
1:10 PM
Labels: asthma attack treatment, asthma symptoms, asthma treatment, bronchial asthma